Search Results for: Book

The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens

Activities to Help You Build Confidence and Achieve Your Goals By: Lisa M. Schab LCSW Ages 12-18. A “must have” collection for anyone who works with teens. In The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens, you will learn to develop a healthy, realistic view of yourself that includes honest assessments of your weakness and strengths, and you […]

The Social Success Workbook for Teens

A “must have” collection for anyone who works with teens. Making friends is a skill like any other-there are many rules to follow, ways to measure your progress, and reasons why some people are better at it than others. Although it may seem like this comes naturally to those who don't have Asperger's disorder, nonverbal […]

Mindfulness for Teen Anger Workbook

A Workbook to Overcome Anger and Aggression Using MBSR and DBT Skills Using proven effective mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), Mindfulness for Teen Anger will teach you the difference between healthy and unhealthy forms of anger. Inside, you'll learn how to make better choices, how to stop overreacting, find emotional balance, […]

Divorce Workbook for Children (Book only)

In the same way as it is for teenagers, the window of opportunity for children for preventing serious problems later in life is one year from the time of separation. If the anxiety or concern remains untreated, teens from single or blended families are three times more likely to need psychological help. This workbook contains […]

Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety Workbook

A Workbook for Overcoming Anxiety at Home, at School, and Everywhere Else Being a teen is hard enough without anxiety getting in the way. You are changing more than ever before, not just physically, but mentally. And if you suffer from panic attacks, chronic worry, and feelings of isolation, it can be very difficult to […]

Bullying Workbook for Teens

Being a teenager is difficult enough without having to worry about bullying. If you have experienced bullying or cyberbullying, you aren’t alone. Bullying and cyberbullying are at an all-time high, and the effects of both can be tremendous for a young person who is already dealing with major school, life, and home stressors.

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